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Lord Foulgrin's Letters

Title Lord Foulgrin's Letters
Writer Randy Alcorn
Date 2025-01-30 22:23:08
Type pdf epub mobi doc fb2 audiobook kindle djvu ibooks
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This repack of Randy Alcorn's gripping bestseller delivers us from ignorance of the devil's schemes. Foulgrin, a high-ranking demon, instructs his subordinate on how to deceive and destroy Jordan Fletcher and his family. It's like placing a bugging device in hell's war room, where we overhear our enemies assessing our weaknesses and strategizing attack. Lord Foulgrin's Letters is a Screwtape Letters for our day, equally fascinating yet destinctly different -- a dramatic story with earthly characters, setting, and plot. A creative, insightful, and biblical depiction of spiritual warfare, this book will guide readers to Christ-honoring counterstrategies for putting on the full armor of God and resisting the devil. Alcorn says to win the battle we must know our God, know ourselves, and know our enemy. Lord Foulgrin's Letters , in unparalleled and compelling fashion, helps us better know each.


How do you describe a book that changes your life? Some might think that an audacious question to start a book review with, but it is the most appropriate question. I finished reading author Randy Alcorn’s *Lord Foulgrin’s Letters*, and I feel such a unique mix of joy, sorrow, guilt, fear, awe, and yearning. This novel inspires such deep contemplation, because of the deep issues that it invokes, and because of the rarely made insights that it gives us. *Lord Foulgrin’s Letters* is a modern “sequel” of sorts, to C. S. Lewis’s *The Screwtape Letters*. Alcorn admits that he patterned the work on Lewis’s book, and in the book, the evil tempters reference the “shake-up” that happened when the letters fell into the hands of “CSL”. The premise is the same, only instead of only hearing the story of the human subject and his friends from the content of the letters, you see a pattern of a short chapter of a page or two, followed by a 2-3 page letter. Some are shorter, or longer, than this, but overall, the book follows this pattern. In the book, just like with Lewis in *Screwtape*, Alcorn touches on numerous issues that many other authors here in the West do not often talk about. He makes clear the very Biblical (and thus true) reality of a spiritual realm just outside of our senses wherein angels attempt to protect us, and demons stalk us mercilessly. He also makes clear that just because they know they will lose does not mean that the Devil and his forces will stop. Indeed, this just makes them more bitter against us, and desirous of maximum harm against us, and through us against our Savior. Like Lewis, Alcorn recounts how the seemingly “small” sins are the ones that can get us in the most trouble. Few of us will commit murder, but our pride, resentments, lies, and so forth, can rob us of our effectiveness for the Lord, and maybe keep others away from Him. I could go on and on about the areas that Alcorn speaks of, be it the phoniness of our modern-day anti-christs called liberal pastors and multiculturalists, the evils of modern culture, the nature of love, and so much more. I want to stress instead an aspect that so few books teach, but that I am truly thankful that Alcorn covers thoroughly. Those who have read his later book *Heaven* will not be surprised at how often he covers this theme. Heaven is *real*, and though we will worship God eternally, it is not to be one eternal time of singing trillions of verses of hymns for all of eternity. We will walk with Christ, our brothers and sisters in the Lord, and angels. We will see new wonders. We will experience the universe as it was *meant* to be, before Adam sinned, and all of us through him. You see, Heaven and Hell are real places. And I am ashamed to say that I have had the negative view for so long. I viewed Heaven as boring, when it is the most exciting and wondrous place ever. Like CS Lewis, I am now beginning to see all the little “joys” here on earth as mere shadows and fleeting glimpses of the true Joy of Heaven. Imagine it, every day exploring the cosmos with our fellow-believers and our Beloved Lord. I am now recognizing what a vile little worm I really am. God is so much, and in so many ways I have failed Him and keep on failing Him. I feel such shame, but know that He will forgive me and help me. He already is. I could keep on going, but it is hard to describe just how much this novel impacted me. I think that the reason is because, unlike other so-called “Christian fiction”, this book used the Bible extensively, so the Holy Ghost spoke to me by it. In the end, the Bible is the best book, and I have seen that reiterated to me by the wonderful words of Alcorn. The Lord used this fictional novel, imbued with Scriptural quotes and truths throughout, to bring me closer to Himself. For that, I will always be grateful to Mr. Alcorn for allowing Jesus to use him in this way, and for God and My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for saving me. Amen and Amen! Highly Recommended!

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